Monday, February 12, 2007

Afternoon in Acadia National Park---oil painting

Afternoon in Acadia
6 x 6", Oils on sealed, primed hardboard
Every summer, my husband and I go up to Acadia National Park in Maine. We spend at least one day strolling along the beautiful ocean path , enjoying the scenery and ocean breeze while chatting and taking pictures. This painting was done this morning from one of the photographs I took there. I used a couple of paintings that I've done on location there as color references, since pictures never tell the whole story.

My palette for this painting was:
Cadmium Lemon
Permanent Rose
Ultramarine Blue Deep
Burnt Sienna
Titanium White
Comparing this painting with the one I did on Saturday, you can see how moving away from the warm red and yellow I used there gave me the crisp, cool colors I needed for the very different light in this painting.

On a sad note, I just spoke with a local reporter who told me that the Putnam Arts Council had a serious fire overnight. With so many art centers folding around the country, I hate to think of the one closest to me not being able to continue. Hopefully they will rebuild. I can't imagine this community without an art center! I had about 40 paintings there through the holidays, and accidentally left one behind when I picked them up. I don't know yet if it survived the fire or not, but at least no people were hurt in the blaze. The March Member Show is on my website as one of the shows I was planning to participate in. This is a terrible loss to Putnam County's artists and the general public.


Blogger Pilan said...

This is a WOW painting. It looks like your were on location this is so well painted.

It's aweful to hear about the art building burning. I hope your painting survived and rebuilding will be done.


11:47 AM  
Blogger Trine said...

It is so interesting to read your comments about your palette use,

I feel for all the artits in your area losing the art center. I cross my fingers for a rebuilding of it.


5:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorgeous painting. Lovely buttery strokes. E-J

4:16 PM  

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